Thursday 30 May 2013

Armenian Wedding is Beatified with Their Traditional Culture

What is the necessity of wedding?
In one’s life,marriage is a very important and joyous moment or time in which time the bride or bridegroom triumph with joy and can make love with each other.Traditionally, lovemaking is happening this time after this time of the wedding. A wedding is such a ceremony by which a girl and a boy are united with rope of love and duty to each other in marriage. As the bride and bridegroom is eagerly looking forward to it, it plays a very important and significant role in their lives as well as in their family life.

Armenian Weddings
Armenian Wedding

Wedding in different culture and customs
Weeding Customs and cultures are a variable phenomenon of different cultures,ethnic groups,social tribes and most importantly it varies from country to country.Most of the time a wedding ceremony programme is based on different schedules like as the exchange of wedding  vowls between the couples,presentation of gift,music carnival and photographic events and so on.

Traditional Armenian Wedding at a glance
Like all the countries,Armenian wedding ceremony has also a culture of their own custom.The main program is started a day before a day of wedding day and a tray is being then made ready by the groom’s relatives.In this tray different kinds of fruits ,flowers,Armenian cognac,sweets and sometimes it may contain different kinds of gifts which is similarly or fully traditional to the Armenian weddings directory.Then,in the day  of wedding the family members of bride is cordially received the people of bridegroom’s house with traditional look and different types of gifts.Then the relatives of  groom’s gathered in front of the bride’s house and started to dance with the music and Armenian Dhol with the tray sometimes it can be replaced by basket what they have brought with themselves that is made by them before the day of wedding.When the bride’s family members see that ,then they also go to receive the guests and started to dance with them holding with a Armenian cookie (which is called Gata).

The bride is then sit in his room and nobody can see her dress before wedding except her female relatives and friends.Then  a female which they are called as “Qavorkine” (who is a man’s wife chosen by the couples from the groom’s relatives whom they respect and who acts as their advisor ) with other women goes for dressing up the bride with the bridal dress and thus she takes the wedding veil of the bride at last.When the dressing process is over then the entrance of bridegroom is happened in the bride’s room and he has taken out her to the guest and some desert type food is availed there for the couple and guests where the groom unveiled bride by kissing her.Then a little boy with a knife in his hand attacks the groom for money as the requirement of taking out bride from her house.
And finally the priest of the church crowned the bride and groom as the king and queen and bless them to be happy in their whole life and drinking of wine is also a part of Armenian wedding .Throughout the whole program photography and Video graphs is a must thing and the photos are taken by more than two photographers.

Armenian Weddings
Armenian Wedding

The successful program schedule should Organise in weddings

For accomplishing the whole program some Armenian wedding directory and helpful agents are normally required and they do it with full responsibility.