Sunday 16 June 2013

Some Tips and Guides to Avoid Hazards Commonly Seen in the Armenian Weddings

Wedding is the Bonding of Two Souls :

The Marriage is therefore not occurs without the couples thought or irresponsibly is not present there, but with very perfect  and serious type of understanding  should present between them and appreciation and perfectness  of the sides of both of them  for which it is undertaken as a bonding of soul and of the material of the marriage, intellectual  thinking and emotional factors is also available in this ceremony actually which will govern the wedding  as the fulfilment of souls of bride and bridegroom.

Armenian Wedding
Armenian Wedding

Some Tips that may Avoid the Armenian Wedding Tradition Hazards :

A wedding is a very special occasion for the bride and the bridegroom as they wait for it all along their life for the betterment of life and so on.In the wedding ceremony, different kinds of programs and customs are arranged actually organised for the guests as well as for the bride and bridegroom’s pleasure. Different types of customs and cultures are maintained in the wedding ceremony.Considering all the customs interrelated with the wedding , Armenian Wedding directory shows much constancy with their culture of the wedding and in the Armenian wedding some of the formal cultures are maintained and perform other customs also that is said in the directory .In this article, we will describe some of Armenian wedding traditions and problems in maintaining those traditions and most importantly , we will show you the ways how may get rid out of these hazards in the program.

Armenian Weddings
Armenian Weddings

Common Cup Tradition : It is happening after the crowing of the bride and groom by the priests, where the couple drinks special wine from a common tank which is reserved for a long time for them and it is served by the priests.It has also a great significance and it signifies that from this specific moment after drinking wine, they will eagerly share everything in their whole life without any problem.

The Advise Should Follow : It is strongly recommended that the wine should not be as containing alcohol more than 5% that may hang over the bride and groom.

Jump over fire traditions : It is believed that the newly  married couples should  bravely jump over the fire without any hesitation and its for 7 times as it is believed by the Armenian that it will bring happiness and make themselves free from all the evil deeds.

The Advise Should Follow : It is recommended that ,the fire should set  in such a way that they can easily move over the fire without any hazards and should hire different agencies for  making the whole program so meaningful and perfect if it is available.
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Breaking Plates Tradition : Another amazing tradition of Armenian wedding is breaking two decorated plates by the bride and groom  when they will enter their own home. It is done for avoiding the evil eyes from their sweet home and make their house free from evil things.

The Advise Should Follow :  The plates should made of carbon or glass mainly and it is highly recommended because the plates must be broken at their first hit as it measures the perfection.

Armenian Wedding
Armenian Wedding

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Friday 7 June 2013

Some Useful Tips for Armenian Wedding Ceremony

What do you know about Wedding?
The wedding  is such an amazing  phenomenon that makes bonding between a boy and a girl throughout some traditional programmes .In the ceremony  mainly two people described as bridegroom and bride  are united in marriage for love, affection and happiness. In every time you will see that the wedding traditions, cultures, timings, customs greatly vary from culture to culture, different ethnic group to different ethnic group, religion to religion, country  to country ,tribes to tribes as well as social class to social class. Exchange of the newly made wedding vows is a great part of the wedding ceremony by the couple that are turned into their newly married life,different types of presentation as like flowers,money,furnitures,and other different traditional parts are also exchanged in the ceremony whereas the weeding ring is exchanged first of all.A nice and gorgeous dress is worn by the bride and a very  polite dress is worn by the groom that is normally happened.All other people who are invited and relatives f groom and bride also wore different gorgeous dressed which bears their cultures and express he festive mood.

Armenian Wedding
Armenian Wedding 

Some traditions of Armenian wedding and Useful Tips for the Problem faced :
From his article you will come to know something about Armenian Wedding Traditions that are mostly practiced that will surely help the future brides and grooms and some useful tips to handle them that will help you so much to arrange the wedding program peacefully and in a very much organised way.

Tradition 1 :'Tarosiks' Tradition
Tarosiks are beautifully decorated souvenirs which are designed with flowers,candies and wishes are mostly shaped as baskets,heart shaped and small in size also. These baskets are given to their single friends, brothers, sisters of the bride and groom according to the Armenian wedding tradition and the bride and groom distributed hem all. By giving the basket they wish them to get married very soon and they are prescribed to keep them under the pillows that they can see their future wife and husband.

Tips for 'Tarosiks' Tradition:  All the people who are already married may also take these baskets for their single family members. That's why, sometimes the shortage of basket happens and this may hamper the full ceremony.To avoid this,the baskets should be available in quantity and for this you can easily contact any Armenian wedding directory for further help.
Armenian Wedding
Armenian Wedding

Tradition 2 :'Bouquet Toss' Tradition
At the wedding ceremony,the bride throws her bouquet up and it is supposed to be that the lady who will catch it will be the next bride after her.It is believed that anything of the bride in the Armenian wedding will bring happiness ,good luck ,hazard free and evil-free society.

Problems and Tips for 'Bouquet Toss' Tradition: As the bride will throw her bouquet for the toss,this will not be returned to her any more  Because,the lucky girl will take it to her home. That's why,it is suggested o make two bouquet for the ceremony so that the bride will keep her bouquet to herself and throw another for the toss that will make the Armenian wedding successful.

Armenian Weddings
Armenian Weddings